December 31, 2001


Hey guys –


If you’re reading this, then I’ve included you in my special end-of-the year mailing list.  I am writing to you all from an internet café in the middle of the Las Vegas Strip probably drinking a Coke that I got from the Coca-Cola store two buildings down or a Mocha Frappucino (with enough cinnamon to choke a donkey, of course).  This is the third year that I’ve done this (which has been as long as the internet café’s been here.)


So what’s going on over here?  Slots, slots, Bryan Adams, cigarette smoke, more slots (*cough, cough*).   Oh!  And let’s not forget those blackjack tables and high rollers who bet $10,000 at a time and double down!  It’s COLD over here, and the wind chill isn’t making the dry air any more comfortable…I’ll tell you how the fireworks go later if anybody remembers to ask me.


I hope you all have a wonderful “vacation” or whatever’s left of it.  Don’t forget to breathe.  As CAMS students, we’ve forgotten that, but it’s still sort of important.  Here are a couple thoughts to think about.  Take care, and I hope to see you all next year.


As I heard from a very popular soap opera, “Don’t let the important things in life be lost.”  Spend time with those other people that exist in your house and take at least five minutes to do something that you either enjoy or scares you.


A Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year to ALL!



Christine Malazarte



“The Porn Distributors”

What is Las Vegas without the free pornography distribution?

            As part of my quest to get pictures of Las Vegas, I went out of my way to get some shots of the people who make the walk down the Las Vegas strip an eye-opening one.

Whenever I talk to people who tell me of their vacation plans, I never forget to tell them one important piece of advice.


            And what do they do?  They look down anyway!  And they see some fat chick’s rear end and/or a rack that you know isn’t real or was probably redone on Photoshop.  They pass out this material faster than the sanitation department can clean up, and it makes some sidewalks look like a post-New Year’s party that hasn’t happened yet.

            The secret to getting these shots is to pretend you’re taking pictures of a building across the street, move the camera at the last second to get the shot.  The only problem that I have with this Digital Mavica is the half-second delay before it actually captures the image.  I’ve had to anticipate the action.  For porn distributors, all I have to do is wait until they slap the paper to make some noise and then I fire the shutter.  That will give the full extension of their arms.  It doesn’t seem to work for other action shots though.

            As a seasoned “tourist” of Las Vegas, I find it very interesting to see how many visitors, especially those from foreign countries, accept these pamphlets.    In fact, I remember when my mom took one, said “thank you,” looked at it, and then screamed.  That was many years ago.  Now she doesn’t even want to walk down the sidewalk.  I’m also surprised at how many old women read them while they’re walking.  I’m not even going to address that one.

            “Oh yeah, I’ve got that shot of the Mirage ‘building.’  This one’s a keeper.”



December 31, 2001


“Bryan Adams”

            My request to go out and take pictures of Las Vegas scenery during the day was met with some luck.  My aunt and mom decided to go to the new Aladdin’s to play a little while my dad, brother, and I got a hundred shots of hotels, architecture, and of course, porn distributors.  By the time we hit the Venetian, my dad received a phone call.

            “You got free tickets for Bryan what?”

            And then the signal was lost.

            I thought for a couple seconds.  They were at the Aladdin’s.  That means only one thing…it was Bryan Adams.  Free tickets?

            When I saw my aunt later, she explained to me that one of the promoters at Aladdin’s went up to her and asked if she was a member of their slot club.  He also asked if she wanted to see Bryan Adams and gave her five tickets.

            We were about fifteen rows from the stage, but at a front row seat to the amazing guitar and drum action of Adams and his guitarist.  What a way to end a night…with free tickets to a concert that I had only imagined of watching when I watched the ads on TV at home.



“2001: The Good and the Bad”

            Today is the last day of the year, where we say good-bye to 2001 and welcome another year of mystery and hopefully more blessings and lessons.  The first thing that comes to my mind is the essay I had written for Spanish AP class, and I think this would be the best way to end my journal for today and for this year.  And yes, I’ll be nice and translate it too.  I need to practice that anyway.


2001: Lo bueno y lo malo

Yo recuerdo el año nuevo de 2001.  Siguiendo la tradición, mi familia y yo nos encontramos en Las Vegas para este evento, y por supuesto, nos prometimos durante los fuegos artificiales que este año va a ser más bueno que el año pasado.

Creo que un año es como una mezcla perfecta de lo bueno y lo malo.  En general, la vida es buena, pero hay muchas situaciones que prueban tu confianza, determinación, y habilidades para escuchar, aprender, y hacer.  Este año estaba lleno de aventuras dentro de mi cabeza, cuestiones sobre mi estilo de vivir, y la realización que era la hora de cambiar.

No hay nadie que pueda volver al pasado.  El pasado es simplemente el pasado, una memoria, un sueño de ayer, pero las memorias nunca se olvidan.  Muchas veces pienso en futuros alternativos y si había un factor o un día que pudiera cambiar el resto de los eventos que ocurrieron.  Yo sé que yo estaba soñando, pero la idea de alternativos es muy interesante y exige tiempo para analizar.  La pregunta es, ¿después de analizarla, yo quería cambiarla?  Si tuviera la oportunidad, ¿lo hiciera?

Cada año nuevo muestra las posibilidades una vida posee. Una persona no es una máquina que solo sigue una repetición de instrucciones.  Lo bueno y lo malo forman el ser humano, y la adición de un nuevo año de estas experiencias aumenta la sabiduría.

Espero que cuando yo vea los fuegos artificiales en Las Vegas otra vez, voy a ver un año con misterios y revelaciones escondidos detrás del humo.


2001: The Good and the Bad

I remember New Year’s 2001.  Following the tradition, my family and I found ourselves in Las Vegas for this event, and of course, we promised during the fireworks that this year will be better than the past one.

            I believe that a year is a perfect mix of the good and bad.  In general, life is good, but there are many situations that test your confidence, determination, and abilities for listening, learning, and doing.  This year was full of adventures inside my head, issues about my style of living, and the realization that it was time to change.

            Nobody can return to the past.  The past is simply the past, a memory, a dream of yesterday, but the memories never leave you.  Many times I think in alternate futures and if there was a factor or a day that could have changed the rest of the events that happened.  I know that I was just dreaming, but the idea of alternatives is very interesting and requires time to analyze.  The question is after analyzing it, do I want to change it?  If I had the opportunity, would I have done it?

            Every New Year shows the possibilities that a life possesses.  A person is not a machine that only follows a repetition of instructions.  The good things and the bad things form the human being, and the addition of another year of those experiences adds to wisdom.

            I hope that when I see the fireworks again, I will see a year of mysteries and hidden revelations behind the smoke.